Notice of Proposed Bylaw Amendment

Notice: A member has submitted a proposed bylaw amendment to Appendix E, relating to the Professional Development Fund, which can be voted on at the September GMM. It is as follows:

APPENDIX E – Professional Development Fund

I. Preamble

The Professional Development Fund (PDF) is available to members of all bargaining units.

II. Criteria & Procedures

  • This money will be distributed three times per Collective Agreement year, in periods that correspond with academic terms and peak conference periods:
    • Period 1 (FALL) Sep 1 — Dec 31 Deadline: Jan 10
    • Period 2 (WINTER) Jan 1 — May 31 Deadline: June 10
    • Period 3 (SUMMER) June 1 — Aug. 31 Deadline: Sept 10
  • Priority will be given to applications for events that occur within the current period (e.g., applications for conferences in October will be given priority in the Fall period. If submitted in the Winter period, the same application will be considered lower priority and will only be funded if money remains after all current applications are processed)
  • The PDF does not cover capital costs such as equipment, software, stationary, and books.

III. Amounts & Distribution of Awards

  • In each funding period, a maximum amount of funding is made available for disbursement.
  • In the interest of awarding monies equitably to all eligible applicants, the maximum individual award for conference presentations in any academic year will not exceed $800 $1,200. The maximum individual award in any academic year for all other costs will not exceed $400 $600. Depending on the availability of matching funds, this maximum may also be adjusted to ensure widest coverage of the applicant pool.
  • A member may only draw up to the total maximum of $800 in a given academic year.